ISCCW Welcomes Your Donation
If you do not want to be a member and are unable volunteer your time, ISCCW welcomes donations in any amount.
Donations are used to fund our projects.
ISCCW is a non-profit corporation, and all money we receive goes toward funding our projects that are important to the waterways and lands in Watersmeet Township.
We are exempt from paying federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and your donation is fully tax deductible.
We very much appreciate your support!
Why Donate?
- All this work costs money and the ISCCW is well-positioned to efficiently execute this work.
- Membership contributions fund about 45% of our work.
- Watersmeet Township supports our budget annually with a financial contribution.
- We apply for grants as they become available.
- We need your membership to fund this critical work; we all benefit as do our children and grandchildren.
- Become a member and donate today!
- Volunteer to serve on our Board and work on a committee!