The Ice was out. We were there.

The washing of boats and trailers as they file through Watersmeet area public and private boat landings is one of the cornerstones of the ISCCW-Watersmeet Lakeguards.  Much of our non-profit funds go towards the purchase and maintenance of the power washing machines and the manpower that prevent the spreading of invasives into area lakes.

The machines are trailers equipped with high pressure washers with heated water that are able to spray the undersides of boats and trailers to wash them clean of any potential transfer of invasives from other lakes and areas.  We wash fishing boats, canoes, pleasure craft, and kayaks.

In 2021 we inspected 5,092 boats, had contact with 11,120 people, and power-washed 2,322 boats and trailers.  We cover(ed) landings at Thousand Island Lake, Cisco Lake, Big Lake, Duck Lake, Lac Vieux Desert, and new this year, Bent’s Camp.  We also partner with Northern Edge Marina to inspect and wash boats that come to their location for service. (Once, one of our workers spent 3 hours washing and scraping a boat with Zebra Mussels there).  We also participate with the U.S. Forest Service at events scheduled during the summer.

Click here to see the current 2022 boat washing schedule.